Art in Cupboard

1. Art in Closet

Material: mon-cherie-Dosen, Packpapier, Aschenbecher, Pergamenttüte, Holzkisten, 21 Bohnen, Silberteller, Stein, gepresste Pflanzen, Schmetterlingsflügel, eine Puppe meiner Großmutter, Untersetzer, Buddhas, Betttuch, Serviettenring, Treibholz, Knochen, Bürste, Chilli, Lichtschalter, Weckgläser, Sanduhr, Federn, Kerze, Messingschalen, Würfel, Lampen, Wäscheklammer, Schnüre, Brillenglas, Glasrohre, Kinderkleiderbügel, Pampelmuse, usw.

2. Light and Air

April 2021
published by Alexis St. John for online-gallery:
DAG Newsletter #16
Material: plastic, glass, cellophane, sandwich bags, textiles, clay pipe, snow globe, crystal, Eau de Cologne, feathers, flotsam, napkin rings

3. Some things are slowly becoming clearer to me

October 2021
Object installation
details published by Alexis St. John for online-gallery:
DAG Newsletter #22

Material: scale tape, strings, wig, clown nose, light bulb, feathers, wire, lace handkerchiefs, photos, glass panes, salt, rose petals, pearl, dice, microscope slides, toy horses and fox, dolls, tangerine, liqueur glass, skate bone, switch, glass Christmas tree ornament, packing material, fairy lights

4. immersed

February 2022
Object installation
Material: green and blue objects and myself
DAG Newsletter#26

5. pink

August 2024
Object installation
Material: pink objects
DAG Newsletter#54